Noun Soup.
100% on-chain pop-art.
All mint proceeds will be donated to help folks in Ukraine. (66.69 eth)
We are a derivative of Nouns*, a very cool CC0 project. We're CC0 too. Our soup is your soup.
Details below.
... / 6669

How many would you like to mint?


0.01 eth each. 100 max per tx. No wallet max.

Yeah, 100 is a lot, but it makes donating 1 eth real easy.

ERC-721A for optimized gas usage during mint.

Only Metamask wallets are supported atm.

No Roadmap. No Discord.
 Just on-chain soup and us donating a bunch of eth to Ukraine. 

Ok, it works like this:
Well, it's pretty simple, tbh. We all mint some soups and whatever this raises gets donated to help folks suffering in Ukraine via UkraineDAO. Check out our contract. Their wallet address is hard-coded so there's no way to withdraw to any other wallet. We couldn't even rug you if we wanted to. (We don't.) After that, hmmmmm, not much. Just some soup-y NFTs. Hope u like soup.

What does on-chain mean for this project?
Sometimes people say on-chain and it's not really on-chain on-chain. This one is. The assets are assembled into SVG by the smart contract and there are no other off-chain services involved. No APIs, No IPFS, just code. This means your soup will last as long as Ethereum does, and no one has to make sure the art is hosted somewhere. Fresh soup forever.

Who made this??? (And why?)
Hi, you can find me on twitter as @heyjeres. I used to design and build iOS apps but lately I've been making generative art and exploring other web3 stuff because I was looking for something new to work on. I made this project to learn solidity, on-chain asset building and to mess around with some CC0 projects, namely Nouns. I ❤️ Nouns. I ❤️ Andy Warhol. This project is not affiliated with either. In the end, I just hope this project helps some people who are suffering during this fucked up war.

Contract: 0x97e54d96a1c1f6b183aa38316050ac05431857f5